Side hustles are becoming more and more popular in the UK every day. The good news is, it’s never been easier to start earning some extra income. We’ll run you through all you need to know about side hustles so you can get yourself started.

Looking to increase your income?
Boosting income is something many of us see as challenging. Getting a promotion at work or selling some personal items might spring to mind. Actually, it can be a lot simpler than that – that’s where side hustles come in.
Saving and budgeting are useful ways to make your money go further. Increasing the amount of money you earn is different. Having more income means you have more room in your budget for the finer things in life, and more money to save to secure your financial future.
With more access to information and online tools these days, it really is as simple as ever to make a little extra money with side hustles. Hobbies and passions are a great place to start. You can monetise activities you enjoy anyway – how good does that sound!

Side hustles - what are they?
Side hustles are anything you do alongside the regular 9-5 day job which generates you some extra cash. People do a wide range of things, such as selling on DIY projects, clothes, paintings, photos. Other services that you might be able to offer are everyday handy jobs. Think babysitting, gardening, or anything that pays you for helping out others.
The possibilities are almost endless. Feel free to add your own unique spin to stand out from everyone else. However you do it, if people are willing to pay for it, it’s working!

Key ingredients for good side hustles
When thinking about what you could do as your side hustle and how you can get started, there are a few things to keep in mind:
- Make sure you still have enough time for your day job. Keep enjoying the things you do in day-to-day life
- Remind yourself that side hustles should still be fun. Don’t stress yourself out!
- Keep an eye on how much money you’re making. Make sure it’s worth the time and effort you’re putting in
- Learn something new or make use of a skill you already have

Starting out can be easy
Generally speaking, most side hustles only ever need a good idea and a bit of determination. If you have access to an internet connection, that can make your side hustle life a whole lot easier.
There are some great online tools out there, such as Shopify, which allow you to build your own custom online shop. Shopify will take you through step-by-step, so you don’t need any experience to jump in and set yourself up.
Platforms like Vinted, Depop, and Etsy allow you to start selling pretty much straight away. Whether you’re looking to shift some clothes and personal items, or to make some money from your DIY and craft projects, these sites make it very simple to do so.
Building social media profiles for your side hustles or even just for yourself can be a free way of growing your side hustle income and spreading the word.
Gymshark, for example, was started by Ben Francis in 2012. All Ben had was an idea and an empty website. Today, he has a net worth of £1.3 billion. We can’t all reach the billions, but there’s an example of what you can achieve just by giving your idea a go.

Here's how we can help
Here at South Manchester Credit Union, we love to support our members achieve their goals. We are committed to helping you thrive financially – the better you’re doing, the happier we are!
There are options for you here with us:
- Striving to reach a financial goal? Save the earnings from your side hustles into a Dream Saver so you can work towards your dreams
- Need a financial boost to get started? You can apply to borrow from £150 – £15,000 with our affordable, flexible loans
- Want to ask us about all things finance? Chat to us on our mobile messaging app – our team are happy to speak to you during our operating hours

Hear from our members
With support from South Manchester Credit Union, Ngozi was able to get her own local business side hustle off the ground. Fashion design for Ngozi has now progressed from a lifelong hobby and clear talent to something she can enjoy and also make money from. Sometimes a helping hand is all we need to move closer to our ambitions. This is local money for local side hustles.