
Local Money for Local Helping Hands – Radhika’s Story

Ever felt like you could just do with a helping hand? We’ve all been there and often many of us don’t know how or where to find the support we need.

Moving into a new property isn’t easy, or cheap! Paying back those new home expenses can be tough on anyone, you just need someone in your corner with you. South Manchester Credit Union were the answer for Radhika.

New Property. Fresh Start

Moving house is a significant milestone for many of us. Whether it’s your first property or your fifth, the financial challenges that come along with moving never really get any easier to manage.

Back in 2023, Radhika moved into an empty property with no suitable flooring and no paint on the walls. Radhika was keen to make her new house a home and get started.

As her child is autistic and disabled, the priority was new flooring. Along with this came the need for furniture and white goods, such as a washing machine, fridge etc. This would all come at an expense that Radhika simply couldn’t afford all at once.

Knowing the expenses couldn’t pile too high, Radhika and her friend painted the house themselves – one less thing to pay for!

Repaying Her Expenses

Radhika had now sorted her priorities for her new home. Her best friend helped her buy the new flooring and her kitchen essentials. Radhika had also taken out personal loans to ensure she could get her new home ready.

Now the house was finished, the work to repay her debts had begun. Radhika had hoped to make regular repayments, but realised she had taken on more than she could manage.

Radhika had heard of credit unions before from a friend who lived in Ireland and was a member of their local credit union, but she didn’t really know what we are.

Discovering South Manchester Credit Union

When visiting one of Southway Housing’s Cosy Mondays, Radhika picked up a South Manchester Credit Union leaflet. She recognised the name ‘credit union’ and, this time, she knew she needed our support.

Radhika read about how we offer loans all the way from £150 right up to £15,000. Radhika thought there was nothing to lose by simply asking about getting a loan with us.

“I really didn’t know my credit score”

It was easy for Radhika to speak to us over our secure mobile messaging app and explain exactly her situation and what support she needed. It was clear to us that approving this loan would give a helping hand to a local woman who had worked tirelessly to achieve her goal.

“I am really, really grateful”

Radhika never thought she would be approved for the £6,000 she needed, but her local credit union was there for her as a responsible lender.

Everyone’s a Winner

“Supportive. Helpful. Fantastic”. That’s how Radhika felt about her experience applying for a loan with us.

“It was really helpful when I was in a bad situation”

Radhika used all the help she could from her closest friend so she could make her new house her own. Being able to pay her friend back frees her from the pressure of owing money to friends & family.

“I feel that somebody is always there to support us. A lot of other people ignore us and we don’t get any help, but now I know somebody is there to help us”

Radhika wanted to know if she could clear her loan balance should her financial position improve – of course you can Radhika! Knowing she is now part of a community where someone is alongside when the going gets tough is invaluable for her.

“I need to build up my confidence. I’m a single mum and I want to be in a good position”

Saving is a good habit for everyone to build some solid financial security – this is no different for Radhika. She is now building her savings with us and is also setting up savings accounts for her children, so they can reap the rewards when they finally become young adults. Radhika is now focused on setting herself up to build her financial confidence and wellbeing so she can be ready for anything life throws her way.

“I would definitely recommend South Manchester Credit Union”

That’s what we like to hear Radhika!

We Are Your Solid Support

No matter what financial hurdle you’re facing, don’t feel like you have to tackle it alone. There’s a credit union right on your doorstep ready to coach you to manage your money so you can achieve your goals.

South Manchester Credit Union looks past your credit score and sees the individual circumstances we face every day. We are here to support you.

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